Microprocessor flame photometer

Microprocessor flame photometer manufactured by us boast of top-notch quality. Supreme Quality raw materials and properly updated technology is utilized for manufacturing them. Durability, longevity strength, perfect designs are their highlights. Our top-notch quality experts, R & D team and engineers, are responsible
for developing products, which the latest trend in sight.


Microprocessor flame photometer manufactured by us boast of top-notch quality. Supreme Quality raw materials and properly updated technology is utilized for manufacturing them. Durability, longevity strength, perfect designs are their highlights. Our top-notch quality experts, R & D team and engineers, are responsible
for developing products, which the latest trend in sight.

Range : General
Na: 0-100 ppm
Upto 250 meq/l, 1: 100 dil
K: 0-100 ppm
upto 250 meq/l, 1: 100 dil
Ca: 0-100 ppm
Upto 250 meq/l, 1: 100 dil
Li: 0-100 ppm
Upto 250 meq/l, 1: 100 dil
Ba : 50-1000 ppm

Range : Serum
Na:- 0-200
1:100 dil
K: 0-10
1: 100 dil
Li: 0-2
1:5 dil

Range : Urine
Na: 0-250
1: 100 dil
K: 0-100
1: 100 dil
Ca: 0-10
1:2 dil

Na: 0.5 ppm, K: 0.5 ppm,
Ca: 15 ppm (Optional), Li: 50 ppm (Optional)

Resolution : 0.1 ppm/meq

2 % Error when 3 ppm Na/K and 5 ppm
Li are set as maximum standards

Display : Graphical LCD With Backlit
Average Time : In-built in software

Calibration : Up to- 5 Point Calibration with Curve Fitting Software

Gas Control : Adjustable With Knobs

Atomizer : Axial Flow Type

Ignition System : Auto Ignition System

Repeatability : +/- 2 Counts

Detector : Silicon Photodiode

Filters : Narrow Band Interference Glass Filters

Flame System : LPG and Dry Oil Free Air

PC Interface : USB Port

Power Supply : 230V, +/-10 % AC, 50 Hz

Weight : 7.5 Kg (APPROX)


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