Dimmerstat Manufacturers Ambala Cantt India
Dimmerstat / Variac / Autotransformer
Amtech India Manufacture and Supply Dimmerstat or Variac enclosed on a thick metal box and has air vents for cooling. The voltage can be adjusted and is indicated by a knob and dial on the top. Main input via main cable and Output via insulated 4 mm socket terminals.
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Dynamic Track / Newtons Second Law Demonstration
Dynamic Track / Newtons Second Law Demonstration
Amtech India's Dynamic Track kit provides associate degree economical and convincing format for demonstration and project work giving repeatable results. Students will carry investigations into K.E., motion on associate degree machine, momentum, force on a mass, elastic collisions, transfer of energy, straightforward periodic movement and lots of a lot of.
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G by Free Fall Apparatus
G by Free Fall Apparatus
Amtech India's offers above apparatus for determining the acceleration due to gravity ''g'' by activity the time of fall of a steel spherical ball through a noted distance. The Above equipment measures the time it takes for a ball to fall a particular distance employing a digital timer.
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Hand Refractrometer
Hand Refractrometer
Amtech India'Hand REfractrometer is employed for measuring liquid's refractive index. It works on the incidence angle principle by that lenses and prisms project a shadow line onto a tiny low glass reticule within the instrument, that is then viewed by the user through a magnifying lens system. it's a special light-weight refraction system for color elimination to get sharp important boundary and optimum distinction.
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Poiseuille Viscosity apparatus maufacturers
Poiseuille’s viscosity apparatus
Amtech India's Poiseuille's Viscosity apparatus is used to determine the co-effecient of viscosity of waer by noting its flow through a capillaty tube of uniform bore .Bases at Ambala Cantt,Amtech India manufactures, Supply and export Poiseuille's viscosity apparatus experimental setup.It includes of a capillary of fine bore fitted on a wood board.
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Reading Telescope
Reading Telescope
Amtech India Offers Reading Telescope with Up-down Motion And Scale and is used in various Physics Laboratory experimental setups. It employs an achromatic objective of aperture 25 mm and Focal length 17.5 cm and 10x Ramsden Eyepiece.
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Rotap Sieve shaker
Rotap Sieve shaker
Amtech India's Rotap Sieve Shaker machines have been designed with solid, tough steel and composite materials prepared to withstand the regular, brutal obligation cycles. These units are fitted with heavy duty electric motor (1/4 HP) that enables the machine to provide efficient circular and hammering motions.  
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Stereozoom Microscope
Stereozoom Microscope
Amtech India's Stereo Microscopes is often used to look at the surfaces of stable specimens or to carry out close work which include dissection, microsurgery, watch-making, gemology, PCB inspection ,circuit board manufacture or inspection, and fracture surfaces as in fractography and forensic engineering. they're consequently broadly used in manufacturing enterprise for manufacture, inspection and quality manage. stereo microscopes are important equipment in entomology.
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water voltameter suppliers india
Water Voltameter
Amtech India manufacture and Supply Water Voltameter. It Comprises of a Glass cup form with two platinum electrodes sealed in stem with connecting wires connected to two terminals fitted on the baKElite base 100mm round. With two graduated 15x2cm test tubes and a holder to support them.
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