Showing 25–36 of 80 results

Hope’s Apparatus
Amtech India Manufuctures Wide Range of Physics Laboratory Instruments and Apparatus Including Hope's Apparatus . Hope's Apparatus Consists of a Cylinderical Vessel Surrounded by an annular trough, where a mixture of salt and ice are placed .

Induction Coil
Amtech India offers Induction Coil having coils wounded with insulated copper wire and in wooden case, fitted with adjustable alloy contact, 2 socket terminals, a pair of pointer electrodes with insulated handles for adjustment of spark gap, operates on 4-6V … Continued

Joules Calorimeter
Amtech India's Joules Calorimeter Consists of a copper calorimeter of 50x75 mm size with outer vessel of well-polished wood fitted with Bakelite top with hole for thermometer and stirrer. Two terminals are connected to coil of wire for passing current *ALSO WITH COPPER CALORIMETER OF 75x100 mm SIZE.

Laser Diode Module
Amtech India offers Laser diode Module, a compact, fully solid state instrument generates an extreme beam at a wavelength 635-670nm for red color. This semiconductor diode laser is installed on a easy mount. Provided entirely with power supply. Operating voltage 3V. Optical power 3-5mW.

Lee & Charton Apparatus
Lee's Disk Apparatus also known as Lee & Charton Apparatus is used to determine the Co-effecient of Thermal Conductivity of a bad Conductor

Lens Holder Stand
Amtech India offer Lens Holder Stand Consisting of metal pillar with clamping screw, supported on a black base

Linear Air Track
An Air Track is a scientific device accustomed to study motion in very low friction surroundings. Its name comes type its structure: air is tense through a hollow track with fine holes right along the track that permits specially fitted
air track cars to glide comparatively friction-free. Air tracks are typically sq. in cross-sectional. Carts match nearly onto the highest of the track ar accustomed study Linear motion in low friction environments.

Magnetic Field Apparatus
Amtech India's Magnetic Field Apparatus is used in demonstrating the production of magnetic field by current flowing in solenoid .

Meldes Apparatus
Amtech India offers Melde's apparatus with huge and effective fork with a frequency of about 60 vibrations per sec. The instrument is optimal for generating standing waves and is installed on a heavy cast iron base. An electromagnet is set up in between the prongs of the fork without touching it. A small spring type strip is attached to the one of the prongs. A screw just makes a contact with this strip. Supplied with scale pan, bench clamp with pulley but without weights.

Mercury Vapour LAmp wooden Box
Amtech India offers wooden Mecury Vapour Lamp Box rectangular in shape,nicely polished & is provided with three slots equally spaced to enable four experiments to be performed simultaneously using one line .

Meter Bridge
Meter Bridge are also known as Slide Wide Bridge and works on the principle of a Wheatstone Bridge and measures the unknown resistance of a conductor.