Showing 13–24 of 80 results

Digital Multimeter
Amtech India Offers Digital Multimeter Model MASTECH MAS830L digital multimeter (DMM) is an essential tool in every electronic enthusiasts.One can use the multimeter to measure DC and AC voltage, DC current, resistance, continuity, and test diodes.
This multimeter is good for measuring current as it can give pretty good accurate result.
This Multimeter is enclosed in a Rubber casing which makes this multimeter rugged. For the ease of use this multimeter has back stand which makes it comfortable to use it on desk and other plain surface.

Direct Vision Spectroscope
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Dynamic Track / Newtons Second Law Demonstration
Amtech India's Dynamic Track kit provides associate degree economical and convincing format for demonstration and project work giving repeatable results. Students will carry investigations into K.E., motion on associate degree machine, momentum, force on a mass, elastic collisions, transfer of energy, straightforward periodic movement and lots of a lot of.

ELectrostatic Kit
Amtech India Manufacture & Supply Electrostatic Kits useuful in studying the aspects of electrostatic forces.It Comprises is Gold leaf Electroscope, Polishing Cloth and three Rods .

Four Probe Apparatus
Experimental Setup to determine resistivity of semiconductors by four probe method at different Temperatures & Determination of Band gap

G by Free Fall Apparatus
Amtech India's offers above apparatus for determining the acceleration due to gravity ''g'' by activity the time of fall of a steel spherical ball through a noted distance. The Above equipment measures the time it takes for a ball to fall a particular distance employing a digital timer.

Glass Slab
Amtech India Offers Glass Slabs for lab experiments. These slabs are made from white sheet glass having fine edges and bubble free make . Comes in sizes 75 x 50 x 18 mm and 100 x 60 x 18 mm .

Halls Effect Experimental Setup
Amtech India offers Halls Effect Experimental setup for use in Physics Laboratories. The set up consists of the following : > High Quality Electromagnet of 7.5 Kg > Power supply for electromagnet 0-100V/4 Amp with meter mounted on the front … Continued

Helmholtz Resonator
Amtech India offers Helmholtz resonator experimental setup to find the relation between the frequency and the resonating volume using a narrow necked resonator and to determine the unknown frequency of the tuning fork as is well as the neck correction. The apparatus consists of a a Cast Iron retort stand, Separating funnel 500 ml, Beaker , Measuring cylinder, set of tuning forks and a striking pad , offered with instruction manual .