Physics Lab Experimental Setups
Showing 13–16 of 16 results

Stefans constant Apparatus Electrical Method
Amtech India offers Stefan’s Constant apparatus has been designed to study the Stefan’s law of radiation by electrical method . The above kit comprises a Continuously variable DC regulated power supply of 0 to 20V, Voltmeter & Current meter are mounted on the front panel to measure the voltage & current. Bulb holder with bulbs 19 Volt is mounted on the front panel.

Wavelength of Sodium Lamp by Newtons Ring Method
Amtech India offers Experimental Setup to determine the wavelength of a Sodium Lamp by Newtons Ring Method. The above Experiment consists of Newtons Ring Microscope with Complete Sodium Lamp Setup Consisting of Sodium Vapor Lamp 35 W, Sodium Vapor Lamp Power Source and Sodium Lamp Housing. Offered Complete set up with a detailed instruction manual.

Y by Bending of Beam Apparatus
Amtech India offers experimental setup to determine young's modulus of beam by uniform and non uniform bending using the table top model. The apparatus consists of a heavy metal beam one meter long, resting on the knife edges of two heavy table G-clamps . Two hangers with pin at the top are also provided for suspending a slotted weights. Offered with two sets of slotted weights of 500 gm x 5, one meter scale and Travelling microscope.

Y by Bending of Beam Stand type
Amtech India offers experimental setup to determine young’s modulus of beam by uniform and non uniform bending using the Stand pattern model . The apparatus consists of a heavy metal beam one meter long, resting on a stand with two pillars . . Two hangers with pin at the top are also provided for suspending a slotted weights. Offered with two sets of slotted weights of 500 gm x 5, one meter scale and Travelling microscope.