Showing 265–276 of 289 results

Ultrasonic Bath
Ultrasonic Bath
High Frequency Electrical Energy Is Converted Into Ultrasonic Waves By Means Of Ultrasonic Transducers, Which Bonded On The Base Of Stainless Steel Water Tank. These High Frequency Sound Waves Create In The Liquid Countless Microscopic Vacuum Bubbles, Which Rapidly Expand And Collapse. This Phenomenon Is Cavitation. These Bubbles Act Like Miniature High Speed Brushes, Driving The Liquid In To All Openings And Minute Recesses Of The Object Immersed In The Liquid, Intense Scrubbing Of The Cavitation Cleans Away All The Dirt And Soil From The Object Immersed And The Object Is Perfectly Cleaned, Intricate Objects Can Be Cleaned With Either Complete Or Little Dismantling.
Technical Specification:
Operating Frequency 33 + 3 Khz, For All General Purpose Cleaning Is Highly Recommended.
Input Voltage Range Of 170 Vac-270Vac, 50Hz, I Phase.
Micro Controller Based Timer Range 0 To 30/99 Minutes.
Thermostatically Controlled Temperature Controller.

Vaccum Pump
Vaccum Pump Oil Free . Capacity Motor A 15 Litre 1 /16 Hp B 25 Litre 1/8 Hp C 45 Litre 1/4 Hp D 110 Litre 3/4 Hp

Vaccum Tube Volt Ohmmeter
Amtech India Offers Vaccum Tube Voltage Ohmmeter (V.T.V.M) for measurement of AC & DC voltages from 1.5 to 1500 Volts FSD in 7 ranges. Input impedance 10Mohm for DC, 1Mohm for AC at low frequencies.

Van DE Graff Generator Hand Driven
Van DE Graff Generator also known as Electrostatic Generator. It consists of two insulated pulleys hand driven by rubber belt. The generator is self exiting and charge separation occurs. The resulting positive and negative charges being carried off by combs at lower and upper pulleys. A metal sphere surrounds the upper pulley assembly and charge accumulates on the sphere, which is insulated by a plastic column supporting the pulley assembly. The charge builds up until electrical breakdown of air surrounding the sphere occurs. Supplied with discharging sphere.

Van De Graff Generator Motorised
Amtech India deals in Exclusive range of Educational Working Models on Science Experiments for Magnetism, Sound,Light, Heat, thermodynamics,Solar Energy, Wind Energy Etc, These models are a great source of Learning & Scientific Studies for kids. We manufacture, Supply & Export our
Vande Graff Generator also known as Ectrostatic Generator . The Van de Graff Generator is a mechanical electric device to produce a very high DC Voltages with a very low current intensity, making tests with it totally harmless. Van De Graff Generator also known as Electrostatic Generator . For Further details visit us at or write to us at

Vibration Magnetometer
Amtech India’s Vibration MAgnetometer consists of a polished wooden box having leveling screws and sliding doors on front and back. The strirrup holding the magnet is suspended by a fiber. A strip of mirror glass is fixed on the base … Continued

Volcano model
Amtech India Manufacture & Supply Wide Range of Educational Demonstration Models .These Models serve as effecting learning Aids for Various Earth Science aspects. Amtech India's Volcano model is a 3-D demonstration model and is very helpful for explaining the concept of Volcano and its eruption .

Vortex Shaker
Amtech India Offers Vortex Shakers used for accelerated mixing of solutions in test tubes, small flasks or centrifugal tubes etc. The housing is 150x150 mm. The speed is regulated by a speed control device. Short eccentric stroke motor imparts vigorous agitation to the tubes or flasks. Body is strong and finished in stoving enamel paint. The equipment is workable on 220V AC 50Hz single phase.

Wankel Engine
Amtech India's Wankel Engine model demonstrates its principle operation. It is cut way to show the internal constructional details. Unlike other engines, the rotary piston engine avoids reciprocating parts. The power piston is an arch-like triangular rotor which on rotating generates an epitrochoid. Mounted on base, with a printed diagram showing working.

Water Deioniser Apparatus
Amtech India's Water Deionizer connsists of an in-built pre-filter and very high exchanging capacity
non-corrosive CATION and ANNION resin columns prefilled with imported Resins for efficient results having treated water parameters conforming to IS-1069/64. It yields chemically pure water equal to multiple distilled water having a conductivity of less than 10 microsiemens/ cm and ph of 7.5 to 9ph. Fitted with a sturdy PVC multi- control valve and can be connected direct to water taps. Fitted with digital conductivity meter. Supplied with one plastic chemical proof regeneration tank and the complete unit in housed in a painted M.S. Trolly for easy mobility .

Casted stainless Steel vessel is electrically operated for getting pyrogen-free distilled water automatically. Wall hanging space saving arrangement is provided. The condenser is seamless. Fitted with automatically ejection device which operates automatically when water vessel gets dried. The baffle cup and condenser are made of stainless steel sheet.