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Demorgans Theorm
Amtech India offers Demorgans theorm kit comprising of a DC Regulated Power Supply 5V / 150mA, ICs placed inside the cabinet & connections brought out at sockets, 4 SDPT switches provided for selecting logic 1 & logic 0, 2 Red LED output indicators.

Series Parallel Connection Experiment
Amtech India Offers Series & Parallel Connection Experimental Apparatus to demonstrate how electricity flows in a circuit in series & Parallel respectively. In Consists of two circuit connects having LED bulbs in Series and Parallel mounted on Box provided with an inbuilt power supply of 9 volts. The power source is applied to each circuit to study the above experiment.

Dimmerstat / Variac / Autotransformer
Amtech India Manufacture and Supply Dimmerstat or Variac enclosed on a thick metal box and has air vents for cooling. The voltage can be adjusted and is indicated by a knob and dial on the top. Main input via main cable and Output via insulated 4 mm socket terminals.
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