Physics LAb Experiment setup Exporters
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Commutator / Plug Key 4 way
Amtech India manufactures and supplies Commutator / Plug Key employed in various Physics Experimental setups. It consists of a Thick brass block area unit mounted on thick Bakelite plate. The plugs and lugs completely interlaped for excellent lockup Terminals area unit provided on every phase with heavy-duty blocks.

Dynamic Track / Newtons Second Law Demonstration
Amtech India's Dynamic Track kit provides associate degree economical and convincing format for demonstration and project work giving repeatable results. Students will carry investigations into K.E., motion on associate degree machine, momentum, force on a mass, elastic collisions, transfer of energy, straightforward periodic movement and lots of a lot of.

Linear Air Track
An Air Track is a scientific device accustomed to study motion in very low friction surroundings. Its name comes type its structure: air is tense through a hollow track with fine holes right along the track that permits specially fitted
air track cars to glide comparatively friction-free. Air tracks are typically sq. in cross-sectional. Carts match nearly onto the highest of the track ar accustomed study Linear motion in low friction environments.

Series Parallel Connection Experiment
Amtech India Offers Series & Parallel Connection Experimental Apparatus to demonstrate how electricity flows in a circuit in series & Parallel respectively. In Consists of two circuit connects having LED bulbs in Series and Parallel mounted on Box provided with an inbuilt power supply of 9 volts. The power source is applied to each circuit to study the above experiment.

Wavelength of Sodium Lamp by Newtons Ring Method
Amtech India offers Experimental Setup to determine the wavelength of a Sodium Lamp by Newtons Ring Method. The above Experiment consists of Newtons Ring Microscope with Complete Sodium Lamp Setup Consisting of Sodium Vapor Lamp 35 W, Sodium Vapor Lamp Power Source and Sodium Lamp Housing. Offered Complete set up with a detailed instruction manual.

Wind Wane Model
Amtech India is a renowned Manufacturer & Suppliers of Wind WAne Model from Ambala Cantt, India. It meets 3 vital needs for the correct indication of wind direction. It's designed to provide the utmost of torsion relative to its moment of the generator for a given amendment in wind direction. It rotates with minimum friction and is balanced to avoid bias towards any explicit direction. best suited for mounting on buildings terribly helpful earth science departments. As per I.S.I. specification with cardinal points on forged iron stand.