Pharmacy Lab Instruments
Showing 1–12 of 71 results
Based in Ambala Cantt, Amtech India offer one of the most extensive lines of Pharmacy lab Instruments, Supplies and Equipment. From basic educational products to advanced equipment and aid for Pharmacy Colleges and Industries , we have almost every product that a Pharmacy lab requires!

Actophotometer ( Animal Cage )

All Purpose Equipment
Amtech India offers all purpose equipment used in pharmaceutical lab for multi-analyze test devices on single main drive unit in two section horizontal drive& angular drive. The horizontal drive and vertical drive installed are used various attachments offered like Double … Continued

Ampule Clarity Test Apparatus

Ampule Filling and Sealing Machine

Ampule Washing Device

Analgesiometer ( Eddy’s Hot Plate )

Anderson Pipette

Antibiotic Zone Reader

Bottle Washing machine
Amtech India’s Bottle Washing machine is used in washing bottles internally as well as externally in laboratories . Easy to use, low maintenance instrument . Comes In two options a) Single Brush b) Double Brush

Bulk Density Apparatus