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Van De Graff Generator Motorised
Amtech India deals in Exclusive range of Educational Working Models on Science Experiments for Magnetism, Sound,Light, Heat, thermodynamics,Solar Energy, Wind Energy Etc, These models are a great source of Learning & Scientific Studies for kids. We manufacture, Supply & Export our
Vande Graff Generator also known as Ectrostatic Generator . The Van de Graff Generator is a mechanical electric device to produce a very high DC Voltages with a very low current intensity, making tests with it totally harmless. Van De Graff Generator also known as Electrostatic Generator . For Further details visit us at or write to us at

Wind Wane Model
Amtech India is a renowned Manufacturer & Suppliers of Wind WAne Model from Ambala Cantt, India. It meets 3 vital needs for the correct indication of wind direction. It's designed to provide the utmost of torsion relative to its moment of the generator for a given amendment in wind direction. It rotates with minimum friction and is balanced to avoid bias towards any explicit direction. best suited for mounting on buildings terribly helpful earth science departments. As per I.S.I. specification with cardinal points on forged iron stand.

Petrol Engine 2 Stroke
Amtech India's above model of Petrol Engine represents the internal structure and operating principles of
an air-cooled two-stroke petrol engine. Ignition is shown by means of a miniature bulb. Carburetter and fuel supply also sectioned. Mounted on base, with a printed diagram showing working.

Wind Mill Model
Demonstration Model of Windmill to show demonstrate electricity produced from Wind Energy.
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