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Wankel Engine
Amtech India's Wankel Engine model demonstrates its principle operation. It is cut way to show the internal constructional details. Unlike other engines, the rotary piston engine avoids reciprocating parts. The power piston is an arch-like triangular rotor which on rotating generates an epitrochoid. Mounted on base, with a printed diagram showing working.

Series Parallel Connection Experiment
Amtech India Offers Series & Parallel Connection Experimental Apparatus to demonstrate how electricity flows in a circuit in series & Parallel respectively. In Consists of two circuit connects having LED bulbs in Series and Parallel mounted on Box provided with an inbuilt power supply of 9 volts. The power source is applied to each circuit to study the above experiment.

Newton Color Disk
Amtech India's Newton Color Disk Consists of a Circular Disk of 200 mm divided in to seven segments in rainbow colors mounted on a stand .Amtech India's Newton Color disk is very demonstration that white light is a combination of seven different colors. When disk is rotated ,combination of colors turns to white .

Van De Graff Generator Motorised
Amtech India deals in Exclusive range of Educational Working Models on Science Experiments for Magnetism, Sound,Light, Heat, thermodynamics,Solar Energy, Wind Energy Etc, These models are a great source of Learning & Scientific Studies for kids. We manufacture, Supply & Export our
Vande Graff Generator also known as Ectrostatic Generator . The Van de Graff Generator is a mechanical electric device to produce a very high DC Voltages with a very low current intensity, making tests with it totally harmless. Van De Graff Generator also known as Electrostatic Generator . For Further details visit us at or write to us at
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