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Van DE Graff Generator Hand Driven
Van DE Graff Generator also known as Electrostatic Generator. It consists of two insulated pulleys hand driven by rubber belt. The generator is self exiting and charge separation occurs. The resulting positive and negative charges being carried off by combs at lower and upper pulleys. A metal sphere surrounds the upper pulley assembly and charge accumulates on the sphere, which is insulated by a plastic column supporting the pulley assembly. The charge builds up until electrical breakdown of air surrounding the sphere occurs. Supplied with discharging sphere.
Primar Colors optics Kit
Amtech India's Above model is a Three primary color optics kit to prove that light has three primary colors. These models play a very important part in cultivating students' learning enthusiasm and interest in primary and secondary schools and in cultivating practical ability; the utility model has positive effects on disengaging from examination-oriented education and carrying out and promoting popular science activities.
Wave Motion Apparatus Deluxe Model
Amtech India Manufactures and Supplies Wave Motion Apparatus which is ideally used for demonstrating longitudinal & transverse motion. It consists of eighteen eccentric discs supporting a series of metal rods. On revolving the handle, transverse waves are obtained with bent. They are straight rods and complete on a wooden base.
PEtrol Engine 4 stroke
Amech India offers Model ofAir cooled, Petrol Engine four stroke, with the operation of valves clearly shown. Mounted on a polished wooden base with schematic diagram, overall height 450 mm approx
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