Amtech India 's Archimedes Principle Apparatus/ kit is used to demonstrate Archimedes Principle . Comprises of Beaker,Overflow Vessel, Spring Balance, Two Weights sand stand .
Amtech India Manufacture and Supply Simple Cell also known as voltaic Cell . It consists of plastic jar 150x 100mm (height x dia) with 150 x 150mm zinc and copper plates with terminals
Torsion Pendulam is often used in Physics to determine modulus of rigidity of a material by Dynamical method .Amtech India's Torsion Pendulum consists of a solid Brass Dia of dia 1250 mm Dia and 125 MM thickness supported suspended by a universal clmp with the help of a checknut .
Optical Bench Research Pattern,Consists of two rods of different metrals as per requirement in hand,supported by heavy cast iron feet, provided with 4 metal riders and 4 accessories .
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