Physics lab equipment Manufacturers Ambala
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Focal Length of Combination of two Convex lenses using Nodal slide assembly
Amtech India offers Experimental Setup to determine the combination of two convex lenses using nodal slide assembly and to verify the formula. The above setup consists of an optical bench 1.5 meter , two Convex lens , Nodal slide assembly .
Nodal Slide assembly
Ammtech India offers Nodal Slide assembly for use in physics lab Experiments. Th above assembly consists of
1) Nodal upright Consisting of a combination of Single & double lens holder on a mounting rotating along the vertical axis. The combination lens holders are adjustable in height and the single & twin Lens holders can either be moved together by rack & pinion or relative to each other by sliding. These motions are read by individual pointer on a mm scale. The whole mount can rotate along its vertical axis and the degree of rotation read on a circular scale with 3” steel C.P. stem.
2) MIRRORs: Plain, inclinable with 3” steel C.P. stand.
3) OPTICAL SLIT: with fine machined crosss-lit, one surface white & the other optical black, with 3” steel C.P. stem.
4) LAMP HOUSE: An electric bulb is encased in a metal case with cord & pin, works on 220 Volt.